"We all go through life building the case that we are enough,
but you don't build your enoughness, you uncover it." ~ Michael J. Kline, From the TEDx Talk: Why You Never Feel Good Enough
but you don't build your enoughness, you uncover it." ~ Michael J. Kline, From the TEDx Talk: Why You Never Feel Good Enough
Why You Never Feel Good Enough
Mike's TEDx talk is a journey from childhood trauma through adult transformations. Through real-life anecdotes, twists, turns, tears, and laughs, you'll discover some painful truths shared to help bring some compassion and healing wherever it's needed. Our sense of enoughness (or the lack of it) is driving successes, failures and outcomes of all sorts in schools, hospitals, corporations, politics, family relationships, sex, romance, health, the economy and even the clothes we wear. Surprising statistics, expert insights and personal experience all feed the narrative. Mike shares his own journey with RIM (Regenerating Images in Memory), Meditation, and psychedelics and what he's learned about our capacity to heal and uncover the natural enoughness that we were created with.
"You can't get good enough, to feel good enough,
until you remember you always were." ~ Michael J. Kline, From the TEDx Talk: Why You Never Feel Good Enough
until you remember you always were." ~ Michael J. Kline, From the TEDx Talk: Why You Never Feel Good Enough
Get to Know the Enoughness Guy
![]() Are you ever asked for a short bio? That's what they want from a speaker, workshop presenter, or podcast guest. I used to struggle with what I should include because I'd compare mine to other more impressive bios. Really, I think they are mostly about building the case that we are enough. I'm done with that. Discovering our enoughness requires first admitting that we sometimes (or often) feel we are not enough. It's called being human.
Growing up, I remember feeling like I was always the worst at everything that mattered to other people. Looking back on my childhood, I can find overwhelming evidence that I was enough, but our brains are hard-wired to have us remember and focus on the scary, dangerous feelings. From an evolutionary standpoint, this kept us alive. In today's world, it can keep us stuck in fear and low self worth. In spite of my many successes and gifts, I never believed in them. Compared to others, I was never enough. Even though I earned three full-ride scholarships including West Point Prep and an Air Force ROTC scholarship, and I was winning in music competitions while testing in the top 1% of students nationally, I still didn't get invited to the cool parties. My parents still didn't come to my performances, I still couldn't pursue music as a career, the church still said I would/should go to hell for being gay and perhaps most importantly - I sucked at sports. I never did climb the rope in gym class, but at least I was never the last one picked for a team. No, I was the second to the last. So my humiliation would build as the group of unchosen grew smaller, then finally my relief came when I was chosen at the expense of my friend Billy, so I felt equal parts grateful and guilty. As an adult, being creative and clever, along with a lot of work and luck, pays off. I've managed to consistently find happiness and success, then I realized I hadn't really found joy, and I hadn't stopped comparing myself and limiting myself by my own low self-worth. Now I know that I am enough, and that I always was. I believe that most of the human suffering in the world is in some way, caused by people who don't feel like they are enough. If everyone who is trying to prove something didn't have to, we would have instant world peace, health and abundance. I'm on a mission to help the world uncover their enoughness. |
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"The common human struggle is that old, stuck emotions
are directing our current decisions, behaviors and beliefs" ~ Michael J. Kline, From the TEDx Talk: You Always Were Enough
are directing our current decisions, behaviors and beliefs" ~ Michael J. Kline, From the TEDx Talk: You Always Were Enough
As evidenced in his TEDx talk: Why You Never Feel Good Enough, Mike shares that our sense of "enoughness" is driving much of the suffering in the world. Mike is uniquely qualified and passionate about speaking with groups who would benefit from higher self esteem, self worth, removing limiting beliefs, long-held patterns of trauma, isolation, fear, addiction, and people who have achieved success in all the measurable ways, but don't feel like it inside. Enoughness shows up everywhere! Before transitioning to emotional healing work, Mike's business and personal growth training was in hospitality, travel, hospitals, retail, and customer service.
He might be your ideal Speaker for: College Campuses Small Business Groups LGBTQ Youth LGBTQ Business Leaders School Administrators and Teachers Caregivers and Hospital Leaders |
Mike started his training career in 1992 as Director of Training and Development with an international travel agency franchise. After leaving corporate and launching several successful small businesses, Mike returned to his passion and started his training company. Working with entrepreneurs and organizations always brings him back to the fact that it's old stuck emotions driving current decisions, behaviors and beliefs. Mike provides uniquely powerful training focused on training trainers, retreat leaders, coaches and therapists how to work more deeply and effectively with clients.
Among many other certifications, he is a Certified Jack Canfield Methodology Trainer, Barrett Values Consultant, Master Certified RIM Facilitator, and the Senior Trainer at the RIM Institute. |
In 2022, Mike and his husband Sal joined an investment group to purchase a transformational retreat center in Costa Rica, called Con Smania. In addition to his annual RIM Training Retreat, he is available as 'Fire for Hire" to cohost with other professionals who want to bring their gifts to a magical retreat setting, or deepen their transformational work.
He loves teaching and sharing his facilitation gifts with other retreat leaders, coaches, trainers and counselors. He is uniquely suited to work with emotional healing as well as business development, with exquisite insights where the two meet. |

“Michael is an excellent trainer, brilliant at creating a deep sense of intimacy and connection among people. Authentic, transparent and dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others.”
~Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, Creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul and The Success Principles, and internationally renowned corporate trainer and speaker
~Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, Creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul and The Success Principles, and internationally renowned corporate trainer and speaker